Yonkers Tribune

For the seventh consecutive year, Empire City Casino at Yonkers Raceway and Catholic Charities will team up to make the holiday season a little warmer and a little brighter for families in need. Empire City will host the 17-day “Christmas Spirit Toy and Coat Drive” from Friday, November 22 through Sunday, December 8.

Empire City will be accepting the donations every day throughout the drive at promotions booth. Patrons are asked to bring new, unwrapped toys and/or new or gently used coats anytime during that period. The items will be presented to Catholic Charities and their supported agencies for the Christmas holidays.

“There are no greater deeds than charity and service,” says Timothy J. Rooney, president and chief executive officer of Empire City Casino at Yonkers Raceway.

The toy and coat drive has become a holiday tradition at Empire City Casino, and thousands of toys and coats have been donated since 2007 when the campaign was launched. Empire City Casino has a long history of philanthropy and charitable service, providing assistance to thousands of non-profit organizations.